NetSTEEL - Frequently Asked Questions
What is NetSTEEL?
NetSTEEL is the new customer service platform of AM Europe Long Products going online in 2017 and replacing the existing old website called NetALC after more than 15 years of service.
What is NetSTEEL offering?
NetSTEEL is currently offering for certain product segments business information in relation to orders with ArcelorMittal Europe Long Products as well as production schedules and stock availabilities.
Who can use NetSTEEL?
The business information on NetSTEEL is visible in the private part of the website. Internal AM staff as well as our customers and other external persons can apply for an account to the website.
How and to whom can I apply for an account?
All applications must go through the local responsible AM Long Products agency. Contact your AM agency and ask for NetSTEEL to start the registration process. The agency will guide you in any further steps. Please be sure to also read website general conditions of use.
In case of questions or problems concerning NetSTEEL, whom can I contact?
Main contact is your local AM agency, which for all issues in regard to NetSTEEL will generally 1st analyze the situation and then take all the necessary steps to finally get back to you with an answer. But depending on the situation you also have the possibility to directly enter into contact with the NetSTEEL team via the “Contact us” form on the website or by writing an email to
Please be sure to provide necessary information (user, description, screenshots, …) when you contact us, so that we can analyze the request as fast as possible and get back to you soonest.