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NetSTEEL - General terms of use

Must be read and agreed before entering this website

Disclaimer and Agreement :

The information published in this website is provided without guarantee of its accuracy, completeness or fitness for a particular purpose.

The publication of the information is not to be considered as a service furnished in relation with sale contracts concluded with the authorized users or as the performance of any contractual obligation of ARCELORMITTAL EUROPE – Long Products.

The information is not intended as an offer or solicitation for the purchase or sale.

It is put benevolently at the disposal of the authorized user for his convenience only and his internal use.

Under no circumstances will ARCELORMITTAL EUROPE – Long Products be liable for any ordinary, direct, consequential, incidental, special, or any other losses or liabilities arising out of

  • delays, inaccuracies, errors or omissions in the published Information.
  • for any decision made, action or inaction taken by any authorized user in reliance upon the information published.

No warranty or guarantee concerning availability of the website is made. ARCELORMITTAL EUROPE – Long Products has no obligation to maintain the services through this website and may discontinue publishing the Information without prior notice. Access to the Services may be terminated by ARCELORMITTAL EUROPE – Long Products to any authorized user in its sole discretion, at any time without notice.


Engagements of users:

The user agrees that his/her account is explicitly nominative and for his/her own personal use only. In case of professional status change of the user (e.g. retirement, company switch, …), ARCELORMITTAL EUROPE – Long Products must be informed immediately to take all necessary actions on concerned NetSTEEL account.


Personal data:

The user agrees that the information of his/her name, last name, title and email address or any other data he/she mentioned are necessary to use the website and thereby that they are registered in the database of the website.


Use of cookies:

This website uses cookies. Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer by websites that you visit. They are widely used in order to make websites work, or work more efficiently, as well as to provide information to the owners of the site. We use cookies to make using our websites and services easy and meaningful for you, and to better understand how they are used by our customers.


Download pdf version of general terms of use here